or how you can imprison perfume in a box.. This is a really easy and tempting aromatic alchemy! Let's make a solid perfume. In fact it is about an aromatic balm using jojoba oil as carrier oil and beeswax. The addition of a floral wax will increase the quality of this solid fragrance. The trickiest part is the preparation of the aromatic blend: Of course, only essential oils will be used. Once the essential oils are mixed, then it will take only a few minutes to prepare your perfume. And don't forget: this kind of perfume is portable, easily used, long-lasting and makes a great gift. If there is still someone who hesitates to try this recipe, then I'll repeat what Janice Cox mentions in her book "Natural beauty at home": This is the kind of perfume used and loved by Nefertiti , Cleopatra , and Madame de Pompadour This recipe was originally published in May, 2007.
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