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Chocolate on lips, a yummy lip balm!

chocolate lip balm 
playing with the black witch..

Theobroma cacao, the food of the Gods

According to Mexican legends, QuetzalcóatlGod of the Golden Moon and of Frozen Winds, had provided important gifts to mankind: fire, water, bread and cocoa tree. Our knowledge about cocoa for the period earlier than 600 ad is limited to charming myths. Still, it is confirmed that Mayas were the first who widely cultivated cocoa trees. Recent archaeological findings in the peninsula of Yucatan  proved that Mayas consumed a drink with cocoa since the middle pre-classic Period of their highlight, namely 2,600 years ago.

These highly civilized people had created the first organized plantations of cocoa trees in the Peninsula of .Yucatan. Since the first years of its cultivation the cocoa fruit played the role of the regional currency throughout central America. When Aztecs dominated Mexico they imposed tax payments to be executed using cocoa beans. 
The preparation of their traditional chocolate drink was playing an important role in Maya's and Aztec's social life. During the Classic Period of Maya's domination chocolate drink was consumed only by the upper class: kings, priests, warriors and rich merchants were  the privileged ones enjoying  the "food of the gods" accompanying it with bitter spices. 
Later on, Aztecs added red peppers and vanilla to improve its taste and consumed this drink during important religious events and anniversaries where cocoa beans were also offered to Gods. 

Chocolate's , this sweet lady's, spreading in Europe is directly linked with the bitter fate of the Native Americans. In 1519 the Cortes arrived on Yucatan coast, traveled throughout Mexico and after a series of battles forced Montezuma, king of Aztecs,  to surrender.  In the palace of the unfortunate king, among his other treasures also cocoa fruit had been found out.
Cortes tasted Aztec's traditional drink prepared with cocoa, vanilla and honey and got excited. When he returned to Spain the brought also a big quantity of cacao fruit along with the recipe of the marvelous Mexican drink which was gradually adapted to European taste with the addition of sugar, cinnamon, dill, ginger, orange flower, rose water. The triumph of chocolate has begun ..


Chocolate contains carbohydrates, fat, proteins, and also vitamins A, D and E, B complex vitamins such as thiamine & riboflavin, minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and finally polyphenols, known for their antioxidant properties. Moreover it contains substances such as tryptophanan amino acid that is converted in the body into serotonin and induces euphoria.

Cocoa butter
Cocoa butter is extracted from the cocoa fruit; it contains natural antioxidants that are the main reason for its long shelf life.  Cocoa butter is a popular cosmetic ingredient, widely used for its softening and soothing properties. It moisturizes the skin, especially the dry one, it is nourishing  and prevents stretch marks, it is suitable for dry skin. Also, it gives a rich texture to the creams. 

Chocolate on lips, yummy lip balm
(ingredients are given in measuring teaspoons, 1 tsp=5ml) 

- 1tsp cocoa butter
- 1 tsp coconut oil 
- 1 tsp castor oil 
- 1 tsp grated beeswax or carnauba wax for a more stable preparation
- ¼ tsp grated bitter chocolate
- 5 drops of vitamin E
- 5 drops vanilla extract 

how to make it 

Balms are easy to prepare. Follow the steps described in this tutorial: how to make a herbal balm or salve and you're done in 10 min! 

It is a fabulous protective lip balm with super taste and divine aroma! 

Originally posted in January 2007.


  1. The style of putting up history of chocolate lip balm and then listing up the recipe made it more interesting to read. Thank you for sharing up this much needed information.


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